Bliss|Bliss Press Parts|A-110-2 Bliss Inclinable Presses Press Numbers 23 Through 28.5

A-110-2 Bliss Inclinable Presses Press Numbers 23 Through 28.5

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Frame, Legs, Crankshaft, and Bearing Caps

Part #Part Name
2Crankshaft Main Bearing Cap
2-ACrankshaft Main Bearing Cap Bushing
46-ALeg Tie Rod (Rear)
46-BLeg Tie Rod (Front)
47Leg - Right Hand
48Leg - Left Hand
50-ALeg Pivot Bolt
50-BNut for Leg Pivot Bolt
51-ALeg Clamping Bolt (or Stud)
51-BLeg Clamping Bolt Nut
85Crankshaft Main Bearing Wedge

Press Numbers 23 Through 28 Slide and Connection Assembly

Part #Part Name
14Connection Cap
14AConnection Cap Bushing
15Connection Cap Stud
18AConnection Screw Clamping Plug
18CConnection Screw Clamping Plug Screw
19DClamping Plug Dummy Screw
19EClamping Plug Spreader
20Connection Screw
20CConnection Screw Adjusting Collar
20DConnection Screw Adjusting Collar Key
21Connection Screw Ball Box Cap
21AConnection Screw Ball Box
21BConnection Screw Ball Box Cap Bushing
22Connection Screw Ball Box Cap Set Screw
22CConnection Screw Ball Box Cap Shim
24Slide Recess Cap
25Slide Recess Cap Stud
31Knockout Bar
130Connection Wrist Pin
142Connection Wrist
191Connection Screw and Wrist Retaining Bushing

Type "K" Clutch Shaft Assembly (23 Thru 28 1/2 Geared)

Part #Part Name
73Main Driveshaft
74Main Drive Pinion
75Main Drive Pinion Key
109-HMain Driveshaft Bearing Sleeve
109-JMain Driveshaft Bearing Collar
109-KMain Driveshaft Bearing
109-LMain Driveshaft Bearing Spacer (outer)
109-MMain Driveshaft Bearing Spacer (center)
109-RMain Driveshaft Bearing Spacer (inner)
109-SMain Driveshaft Bearing Shims
117-BMain Driveshaft End Bearing Spacer
165-ABrake Bracket
K-11-AFriction Disc Pin (fixed end)
K-11-BFriction Disc Pin (floating end)
K-21-AFriction Disc Pin Plate Screw
K-29Friction Disc Pin Plate
K-49Air Tube Block
K-50Air Tube Block Gasket
K-52Air Tube & Coupling Assembling
K-54Shaft Spacer
32-FWFlywheel Bearing Spacer (center)
33-FWFlywheel Bearing Spacer
34-FWFlywheel Bearing Retainer
36-FWFlywheel Bearing Spacer to Clutch Side
37-FWFlywheel Bearing Spacer to Clamp Side
42-FWFlywheel Bearing Adjusting Shims

Bearings on R.K.C.

Part #Part Name
73Main Driveshaft
109-HMain Driveshaft Bearings Sleeve
109-JMain Driveshaft Bearing Collar (Inner & Outer)
109-KMain Driveshaft Bearing
109-LMain Driveshaft Bearing Spacer (Outer)
109-RMain Driveshaft Bearing Spacer (Inner)
109-SMain Driveshaft Bearing Shims