BCN Supplier Form
Become a supplier to BCN Technical Services
We are a metal forming press OEM & remanufacturer/parts supplier with all of the drawings/records for Bliss, Clearing, Niagara, Schuler, Müller Weingarten, Warco, McKay, & Wean trade names and some limited records for the Verson line. We are interested in finding great companies to help with some of our machining needs for overflow work.
We need companies that can:
- Make quality parts (the first time)
- Deliver on time, every time
- Be competitive in pricing
We order small quantities (1-2 two PC orders normally). We offer net 45-day payment terms and steady work predicated on how your company performs to the three criteria mentioned above. Please review the following information and fill out the Supplier Self Evaluation Packet form so we may start the process of approving you as a supplier to BCN Technical Services, Inc.
- Capable of meeting tight tolerances
- Attention to detail; on time deliveries
- Able to expedite orders when needed
- Capable of meeting tight tolerances
- Attention to detail; on time deliveries
- Able to expedite orders when needed
- Attention to detail
- On time deliveries
- Able to expedite orders when needed
- Attention to detail
- On time deliveries
- Able to expedite orders when needed
- Small, Medium, & Large grey iron and ductile iron
- Able to make Styrofoam patterns for shortened deliveries